Hi Bob,
Thanks for the reply. What I'm looking at now is whether I have the
right cable or not. Had to take the adjustment up all the way to make
the handbrake work. It has been suggested that I may have the cable for
disc wheel insteads of wires.
'69 B
Bob Howard wrote:
> Charley,
> I replaced the cable in my GT on Saturday. No bushing in there that I
> could see, but the cable end (abutment stop---whatever they call it) did
> rotate slightly when I pulled the brake off and on a few times. I
> tightened it up when it was in the position that it seemed to like best,
> just a slight angle down from horizontal so that it lined up well with
> the cable.
> Bob
> On Wed, 28 Apr 1999 11:07:43 -0500 Charley & Peggy Robinson
> <ccrobins@ktc.com> writes:
> >
> > I replaced the brake cable in my B last week. Only car I've ever
> >owned in which you have to remove the passenger seat in order to
> >replace
> >the brake cable.
> >
> > Did you say that there was a bushing in the hole where the front
> >housing stud goes thru the floor? Is the end of the housing supposed
> >to
> >be free to rotate? Mine doesn't but I may have overtightened the nut.
> >
> >
> >
> > Charley Robinson
> > '69 B
> >
> >