How bizziare!
I've been looking intothe changing of my dash, 72 B. To metal.
A few weeks back, I tell a buddy of mine, who lives near Allegheny
National Forest, that I would love to find a birds-eye maple for the
door cap and pulls.
Well, a couple days ago Ilinked, through the list, to Ken Scotts page of
his 77, with the mahogany dash.
This evening, my buddy callsto tell me he's founds me rough stock of
curly maple. For under $20, I can get enough to replace the dash, door
caps, and pulls, in solid curly maple. The shop he works in has teh
equipment to clean up the stock to the dimensions I need.
What a day! I'm not sure that I want to do the console, it is plastic,a
nd wood would be nice...I can get more if I like.
Ken Scott, if you read this, please e-mail me, I have something for