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Hmm... could it be.....

To: Robert Allen <>, MG List <>
Subject: Hmm... could it be.....
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 13:09:50 EST
Could it be possible that men, taking into consideration their particular
anatomical difficulties, would be reluctant to use the clutch as often as
necessary, noting that it causes significant discomfort, thereby laboring the
engine unnecessarily.  Since women are unemcumbered, it may be that they shift
in a more timely manner.

Additionally, I have rarely discovered a man who would prefer to do his own
shifting, versus that of a female partner when available, who provides a
variety of shifting alternatives on which I do not need to elaborate......    

Just something to consider......

Karyn..........  TD, A&B (and a manual BMW)

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