Hi Eric,
I dont have the catalog in front of me, but I think
British Wiring sell a tool for inserting Lucas bullets
into the connectors. It was not cheap... ~$75 if I
remember correctly.
British Wiring, Inc.
Lesley and Edwin Cehelnik
20449 Ithaca
Olympia Fields, IL 60461
(708) 481-9050 (Voice & Fax)
They sell just about every British car wiring sundry
known to man- including the 12v relays and mounting
bases that you are looking for. These are Hella and
are a bit more expensive ($7) than the ones you usually
find hanging in blister packs at your parts store.
On a somewhat related note... I recently upgraded my
B's headlights to Cibie E-codes and used a couple of
these relays/bases. You can snap the bases together
to make up a bank and they accept a fuse holder
attatchment that also snaps on to hold a blade style
I used my old harness wiring for the control circuit
and made up a new one to handle the additional
headlamp load.
Lesley at B/W had everything but the harness wiring in
stock. She ordered it from the UK and had it shipped
to me via airmail. No $ interest, just a happy
--- Eric Kutzli <ekutzli@netins.net> wrote:
> Does anyone
> know about the design of a tool made from modified
> needle nose pliers used to take the bullet
> connectors apart and put them back...
> never seen such a device.
> Now I'm going to get some 30amp relays (Maybe
> the kind used for off
> road lights on trucks. They are black plastic and
> pretty small and
> inconspicuous) and take some stress off of my (74
> NLA) ignition
> switch...sounds like a great idea.
Scott Hower -> howersl@yahoo.com
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