I know you don't want to hear this, but the only sure way to tell is to
disassemble the gearbox for inspection, then order the parts. You'll be glad
you did this, since there is always something in a gearbox you need but did
not realize until you tore is apart. Do yourself one favor and definitely
order the layshaft. If my memory serves me correct, the main way to tell
inside is if the layshaft has three needle bearings or four. The 2nd gear
synchro is also a dead giveaway. Spray some carb cleaner on it during
inspection. The brass ones tend to turn a dull grey color from residue in the
box. But for conversational purposes, a good many of the boxes I have seen
have a date stamped on them MM/YY. Look for this near the boss where the
slave cylinder bolts on or on the surface (driver side) below where the
shifter bolts on (remote control tower for overdrives). And, order the
springs and detent balls for the shift selector. This will eliminate that
pesky thing popping out of gear. But, disassemble first to be absolutely
Eric Swanger
Huntersville, NC