Who let the T***mph guy in? ;-)
Personally I like following T cars. The oil rich exhaust is good for rust
prevention and watching the IRS cars twitch, jump and shudder through a
corner is most entertaining indeed! Dodging dropped parts also adds to the
excitement of any drive. Best of all, I will be able to pick up the driver
when his/her coal cart dies along side of the road and give him/her a ride
in a real sports car.
Bill Eastman
61 MGA- the world's best sports car. Heck, the world's best car!
PS- I also usually make some remark about Ferguson tractors but a recent
history lesson has brought to light an agricultural connection for our
beloved B series motors as well. However, having had a Fergie or two on
the farm, I can say the Standard engine makes a damn fine tractor motor
whereas the B series seems to have been a bit of a flop. Come to think of
it, if I ever move back to the country, I may have to pick up a Fergie just
so I can strap an a Triumph badge and a pair of SU's. Now that would be a
conversation piece!