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Re: Need a hood

To: Dan Pockrus <>
Subject: Re: Need a hood
From: Rick Brown <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 18:31:43 -0500
Dan Pockrus wrote:
>         My son had the extreme misfortune of sliding underneath a 4X4 pickup
> yesterday on a rain-slick street. The good news is that he's okay. The bad
> news is that the hood is toast. If anyone stateside has a hood that will fit
> a chrome-bumper '74 that they would like to sell, please e-mail me with
> details. If you're in the Dallas area (or within  a couple of hundred miles
> or so), that would be even better.
> Dan Pockrus
> '74 CBB

A hood - you mean one of those vinyl things that cover the cockpit of 
the car?  Or perhaps you mean a BONNET!  :)


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