R. Johnson wrote:
>I have two acquaintances that are looking for non MG LBC's. Perhaps you can
>One gentleman in St. Louis would like to find a MK 2 or 3 Austin Healy in
>restored condition for sale.
>Another here in Dallas is looking for what I think is the Austin Marina
>car that is also a boat). What years was this car made and any other info
>might have including one for sale.
>Perhaps someone might "throw this over the fence" into the proper LBC
>for me.
I did some checking and found that the Austin Marina dimensions hardly put
it into the "Boat" category. OTOH your friend may be looking for an Amphicar
which was German built with a Triumph engine.
Marina MGB
length 169" 153.2"
width 69" 60.0"
height 55" 49.4"
weight 2233 lb.. 2401lbs
4 door model 2282 lb..
Good luck to the gentleman in Dallas. A good Marina is a desirable car but
very few remain.
Fred Pixley
Napanee, Ontario, Canada