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A little guidance...

To: "''" <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: A little guidance...
From: Kevin Rarick <>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 15:59:07 -0800
Hi All -

I've recently acquired a good condition 1967 MGB from my wife's father. The
car was apparently running shortly before, less than one year but not much,
being shipped to me in Menlo Park, California from Florida. Using the best
of my novice skills I believe the problem lies in a faulty fuel pump. The
fuel pump that is currently on the car well, off now that I've removed it,
is not stock. I would like to keep and return the car to it's original
condition so I am in search of a fuel pump for this car. I understand that
the SU fuel pumps for this year and model are still manufactured. Where can
I purchase one? Is it advisable to order one over the net or mail order? Is
anyone familiar with the Bay Area of California and able to recommend some
local shops I could visit for parts and advice? There is a British
Automotive Service shop near my house called Burnett's. Is anyone familiar
with this shop?

Another technical question I have concerns starting this car after it has
been sitting a while. My concern is for the oil, or perhaps lack of oil, in
the engine. I can't be sure of the amount or condition of the oil in the
engine and I don't want to damage the engine attempting to turn it over with
insufficient oil. Is there some standard operating procedures for checking
various aspects of the engine before starting it after it has sat for a

Many thanks in advance for any information you can provide.
Kevin Rarick

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