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Re: tools, what priority?

To: Simon Matthews <>
Subject: Re: tools, what priority?
Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 15:34:29 -0400 (EDT)
A Cellular Phone is all you need...

Adam Deutsch

On Tue, 8 Dec 1998, Simon Matthews wrote:

> I was wondering if the wise out there could advise me on what would be a
> good order to acquire tools, and what quality of tools are necessary?
> I have a fair set of hand tools, trolley jack, stands. The sorts of things
> I am wondering about are:
> Torch?
> Drill Press (and if I get a drill press, are the $49 bench drill presses
> from Harbor Freight OK, or do I need to spend $200 of a floor-standing
> model)? 
> Nut Splitters?
> Etc?
> Simon
> ---
> Simon Matthews                
> '57 MGA

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