>>>prices the Euros pay for what they pass as "steak". Anyone who argues
>>>with me has never been to Texas!
>>where my fiancee is from. We went to some place in Huntsville (o/s
>>Houston) and had this steak that was, god knows - 1 1/2 ft long?? <G>
>when I lived in CA I certainly loved the beef there - especially
>cooked using mesquite on a BBQ. mmm! I remember liking it better
>than NZ beef
Can't call it a draw until all the information is in.
I've never had Euro steak on the economy, so can't comment (but German
brats and other wursts rule -- ask Dan Ray).
Kobi (beer-fed and massaged Japanese beef) is good, but somewhat
overrated and overpriced.
As to English steak, I'd rather chew on the insole to my combat boot
*after* a 30 day field exercise.
California steak -- when imported from another state -- is generally
edible. The homegrown stuff has to be burnt or otherwise altered to
improve the taste.
Texas steak is passable. but they have an alarming tendency to confuse
'bigger' with 'better.'
Iowa grain-fed beef, in my somewhat humble opinion, is the only way to go
-- and you can't touch an Iowa Chop. I ordered a pork chop once in
Irving, TX, and received what was suspiciously similar to a slice of
bacon -- so much for everything is bigger in Texas!
(an Iowa boy from way back)