Hi all.( this is kinda long...)
So yesterday (Saturday) I went out to help my good friend Ray take a look at
the GT he mentioned in an earlier post.
On my way back home, I was nearly in an accident with a Land Rover.
Not just any Land Rover.
There had been an accident on Southbound I5 in Seattle, and this guy decided
he didnt want to wait in the miles of traffic so he took an exit off the
I was on a Northbound on-ramp in my Midget, its getting dark, raining, I am
going about forty when this MONSTROSITY comes barreling down the embankment
from the freeway, on three wheels for a moment,mud and grass spitting out from
everywhere, and all I can see is this huge wheel with about three brightly
glowing "opera lights" waaay up above towards the back, coming right down
ontop of me to my left.
It mustave been about thirty feet long.
So I slammed on the binders and let this guy have the road.
He proceeded Northbound at probably 70 or better.
I hope whoever was in that thing was so important and in such a hurry that my
life and my property were completely worthless.
After that incident (along with every other SUV that simply pulled over not
noticing me in the Midget) I hope we have another GAS CRISIS in the near
future here in America.
I dont feel safe around those beasts, because the drivers seem to get this
enormous sense of security that allows them to do anything.
Absolutely nuts.
Sorry to rant, but if I had been killed, at least it would have been by a
British SUV in my British car- and they probably would really have had to pry
hard to get my fingers OUT of the steering wheel, let alone off.
75 Midgets