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Re: California Spec Midget 1500

To: Larry Macy <>
Subject: Re: California Spec Midget 1500
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 20:22:00 +0000
Larry Macy said:

> On 11/29/98 9:53 AM so and so (Christian Stanton) said. (And I quote:)

> >
> >BTW: The valve cover on my (as far as I can tell) original car is Robin's 
> >Egg Blue, perhaps another CA part ;-}
> >
> > 
> Doesn't sound real to me. I had a 76 CA spec car and it had the black 
> engine and red/orange valve cover. Blue -sounds like GM to me,(PO with 
> dyslexia maybe?) I know - poor taste.

The 1500 Midget engine is a Triumph Spitfire engine and the Spitfires of that
era had baby blue valve covers.

Denise Thorpe
been there, worked on those

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