Hi All,
Many thanks to those who responded to the request for a Volvo list and on=
the gear-popping question.
Gear changing on this car was cool - hit the clutch and the gear shifter
would shoot out of second and then you would move it into third. =
Unfortunately, it would also slip out of second when you weren't watching=
. =
I came to the conclusion that it is bad enough buying a car with unknown
faults let alone something like this, so I took it back. (A Volvo mechan=
said it would cost at least $800 to fix, as the gearbox would obviously
have to come out. Then he would notice something else and before you kno=
it I could have bought something with a lot less miles on it for the same=
price. Ah well, there more fish in the sea, blah, blah.
Regards, Adrian