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'78 B update (again) and questions

To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: '78 B update (again) and questions
Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 19:10:12 -0500 (EST)
OK, let's try this again...has anyone else been getting retry failures when
trying to post to the list? It wouldn't surprise me if I'm the only one,
because TIAC is the worst server I've ever had (are you listening out
there! THE WORST!), but this message was first sent around 3pm today. See

Hey all interested,

Took advantage of today's beautiful weather, went over to my rented garage
and removed the battery and the Zenith-Stromberg from the B. The battery,
which turned out to be about half full, kept going flat...wonder why. We'll
see if it can be saved, as it looks new; I'll try to find out from the
seller whether he installed it recently.

Also, the carb, which had a highly variable idle, had the throttle cable
attached to it by some tightly twisted baling wire. Perhaps that explains
the idle variations, perhaps not. Anybody got a part number for that baling
wire? Seriously, do any of the vendors on the list want to give me a price
on a Haynes Z/S manual, rebuild kit (grose jet preferred?), and that
special tool thingy for the adjustments? Anything else I'll need for the

I also noticed that there is a dizzy in the trunk, Lucas EI, so got curious
and popped the cap off the one on the engine...Points! How does this
interact with my '78 engine, which so far as I know has no other
modifications? Is there a performance difference/mismatch, or is it just a
matter of maintenance/reliability preference? I'll also be trying to find
out from the seller whether the dizzy in the trunk was any good when
removed, and perhaps someone can use it?

Finally, once the carb was off, I noticed that the intake manifold is
pretty rusty inside. I don't like the idea of leaving that as is. Can this
be tanked, or should it be replaced, or is there some other cleaning method
someone has used effectively?



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