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Re: O.D. - to clutch or not to clutch...

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: O.D. - to clutch or not to clutch...
From: "Paul A. Tegler, Jr" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 00:02:29 -0500
please no flames but...
sure a spit is no 1800 MG...
but I never considered using the clutch with the O/D
I thought nothing of shifting into or out of 3rd or 
4th O/D as desired depending
on whether I was running in congested traffic or cruising
The spit is lighter and the 1500 less powerful
then again.. when I was driving it the O/D was not
27 years old as is my BGT's.
I think common sense would say take it easy
and shift at the speeds and torque loads 
that a 25+ year old mechanical item could handle
with finesse.
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Date: Monday, November 09, 1998 10:14 PM
Subject: Re: O.D. - to clutch or not to clutch...

>Y'know I dont think i really have a strong opinion on this - Ive been
>mulling it over for the past two days watching the pros and cons of
>clutching and declutching and have come to the conclusion that its
>another matter for personal taste and driving style.
>For example, i dont use the clutch on either of my cars when shifting in
>and out of o/d but i do "position" the engine speed so as to make the
>change smooth. Changing up, the 4th o/d is best suited at around 40mph
>with constant throttle - changing down, at about the same speed, i find
>that letting off the throttle helps when slowing sown wheras "blipping"
>it is useful if accelerating. im guessung that using the clutch would be
>a help if changing down at higher speeds but frankly i never take it out
>of o/d above about 45 - i change down to 3rd if im passing or similar,
>otherwise the o/d is either in or out - depending on the road conditions.
>Id have thought that creating "clunks" or wheel "chirps"  basically means
>the car is changing down at too high a speed - a bit like slamming it
>into 3rd at 65 and popping the clutch..... all to damn much for an old
>fart like me!!
>mike robson
>69 roadster (new o/d smooth as a gravy sandwich)
>70 BGT (cruisin at 90 in o/d today!)
>53 Riley (no o/d but the leggiest 4 speed ive ever driven!)

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