Before blasting away witht he WD-40, Try adusting the brake light
switch. It on the front of the pedal box cover and screws into same.
Loosen the lock nut and turn it out about 1/2 turn (counter clockwise)
and see if that doesn't do the trick.
Rick Morrison
74 Midget
On Sun, 20 Sep 1998 16:20:46 +0000 Eric Erickson <>
>I have a problem with my brake lights "sticking" on. I was pulled
>by someone who told me that the lights were "flickering" as I went
>bumps and now that I have tested them, they will go off if I
>the brake pedal, so I assume that the problem is with the actual
>Now... what is the best way to get at this switch and I assume that if
>fill it with WD40 (the cure-all) then it will just come good?
>Any thoughts?
>'68 MGB MkII