I have found that I have more fun drifting a RWD (eg. MGA, TR3 etc.)
around a corner than I do in my Mini. Of course, the Mini doesn't really
drift until ALL wheels are moving toward the side of the road. Even
though the Mini (and other FWDs) may corner faster, even a
slower-cornering sports saloon like a Riley 1.5 or MG Magnette can give
a higher 'fun factor' on the same corner. For some, 'fun factor' may be
read as terror, for others, as an adreneline rush. For me ...
Dave Q.
>> Here's the why behind the "real race cars" thing. Under acceleration
>> there is weight transfer to the rear tyres. That weight transfer means
>> more grip. "Floor it" in a FWD and the driven wheels get light and spin.
>> Accelerate hard in a RWD car and you get more grip. What's fun is to
>> be loose in a corner (some oversteer) and be able to come out of it
>> by accelerating.
>> Of course front engine, front wheel drive, with understeer that makes
>> the car gods ashamed...well, those things are built for people who can't
>> drive. Keith Wheeler
>This always makes me think of watching those vintage LBC racing films they
>sometimes show on Speedvision.
>The big jags and our MGs and the TRs are sweeping gloriously around the
>corners in a controlled four wheel drift, deftly using the throttle to woo the
>Meanwhile the minis make the corner look hum drum as they do it at 20% higher
>I'm more concerned with what wins races than with what looks impressive on
>Trevor Boicey, P. Eng.