On Fri, 11 Sep 1998 09:44:48 -0500, Feldman, Jack (Jack) wrote:
>This spring, with two cars in storage, I had to chose which battery I would
>use to wake up the C. I chose the one from the BGT because it had a handle
>on it, and someone had removed the handle from the battery that came with
>the C. Yesterday, in getting the BGT started I thought I would use the
>stored battery that originally came with the C, and give the battery I had
>been using a rest.
>Now we all know that the sheet metal of the B and the C is the same from
>the windscreen back. Indeed the replacement windscreen that was just
>installed had been stocked as a B replacement.
>The opening to the battery compartment on the BGT was too small to take be
>battery that fit into the C! I know it came out of the C as easily as the B
>batteries do, but why couldn't I fit it into the BGT? The C battery was
>about an inch wider, but again, it did fit in the C.
Since the C has a larger engine, it would make since to have a larger battery.
Andrew Lundgren