On Thu, 3 Sep 1998 08:52:15 -0400 (EDT) Josef Kurtz
<kurtz@helix.mgh.harvard.edu> writes:
>1. When people mention shows, rallies, etc, could you please maybe
>throw in the state or country it is in. Kinda like the the big joke
>the Simpsons living in Springfield: there is one everywhere you look.
Check David Deutschs page periodically - it has all the east cast events
- INCLUDING the states that theyre in!! - sorry dont have the url handy
but just searck "mgcars" and "deutsch" - works every time!
>4. I need a new soft top. The one I have is the one from the PO and
>was ripped on both sides, from misfolding it I guess. But after 75+
>mph driving by my mom, i swear the rips are huge! Beyong repair. So,
>what doyou all reccommend?
I just fitted a Robbins to the rail for my 69 - it isnt on the car yet
but looks good on the floor!! - i paid $175 for it at Carlisle though VB
list them at $250 ish -
Check with George M or BPC
>5. I have a hard top. Last winter, after 4 months on, when I took it
>off, I had some really nice scratches along the back in the paint. I
>realize that I have to fix the hood by probably attaching a new foam
>contact, but if anyone has done this before, again I would appreciate
Last winter i used a door draft sealer which worked just fine and was
invisible unless you took the top off - with new paint on the 69 the
hardtop aint going anywhere near the car though!! hehe
>6. Last but not least, one of the few friends I have from school that
>could comprehend I wanting to get rid of a convertible Mustang in
>favor of
>my B, wants one of his own!!! He is all set to buy, right now. I
>showing him my car to no end, and he already has a reputable
>collection of
>MG books. He is looking for something that is more mechanically sound
>compared to asthetically, as it will be a Boston daily driver for a
>of years. So if anyone in the New England area knows or has one, I
>vouch for his love of teh LBC. Email me and I will get the messages
Well, youre in luck!.... I'll email you privately with the details!
mike robson
69 roadster
70 BGT
72 roadster (for sale)
53 riley