Do I feel stupid, actually I guess I had gotten too frustrated to think
clearly. Anyway thank you. You put things in perspective for me. I just
went out and turned the crank and low an behold all is right with the world.
(at least the rotor is poiting in the correct direction and the timing marks
are lined up! I will tighten things up in the morning (hopefully it won't
be raining) and see if we can get the beast to start.
Thank goodness for this list...
Safety Fast!!
Ross Overcash, 74B, NAMGBR 2-1172, Ayer, MA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On
> Behalf Of Larry Hoy
> Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 1998 1:26 PM
> To: RossOvercash; MG LIST; Larry Hoy
> Subject: RE: Frustrated probably long
> > When I remove the distributor cap, after lioning up timing marks,
> and
> > pulling plugs, low and behold the rotor is 180 degrees off???????
> Well I
> > say to myself am I stupid or what? I pulled the dizzy installed the
> points
> > and guess what, it will only go back in with the rotor 180 degrees
> off!
> > Tried it with theold one and low and behold the same thing. I look
> at the
> > key on the dizzy and it appears to be concentric yet it will only
> fit in one
> > way.
> First make sure you are on the compression stroke. Remember you have
> two times when the #1 cylinder is at the top of the stroke. When it
> is on compression the rotor should point to the #1 cylinder. You may
> have lined up the marks on the exhaust stroke.
> The drive dog on the dizzy is eccentric not concentric. If you look
> closely it is slightly off center and can only be installed in the
> engine one way. The dog can however be installed on the dizzy 180
> degrees off. On my spare, which I have no idea if it is correct, when
> I turn the distributor upside down and point the rotor toward me the
> dog is slightly to the right of center. To turn the dog 180 degrees
> just knock the round pin out and rotate the dog and reinstall the pin.
> Before you do this make sure this is the problem.
> > What has happened? I am completely baffeled and frustrated. I
> suppose I
> > can reverse the plug order go 2431 instead of 1342 but will that
> really work
> > and will I cause someother type of problem. The real question is
> what has
> > happened and what do I need to do to fix it.
> Yes, changing the plug order will work (if you are off 180 degrees),
> but you still have to fire 1342. You need to "rotate" the wire
> position on the dizzy cap 180 degrees. Number one will be in the 7
> o'clock position, not the 2 o'clock position.
> Larry Hoy
> Denver, CO. USA
> 1969 MGB Roadster
> 1987 Jaguar XJ6 VDP
> "It's not how fast you go, it's how fast you go fast"
> =========================================================