My personal favorite is the battery disconnect switch. Since I installed my
rollbar, I moved the battery to the trunk, where it is securely tied down.
I installed one of those brass cut off switches on the ground cable. I
unscrew the knob, and the car won't start...Since the battery is locked in
the trunk, the car is almost theft proof. Unless, of course, the thief
watches me park the car and lock the trunk, then he pries my bootlid open
with a crow bar...If he wants it that bad, he'd find other ways to steal
Michael S. Lishego
>To all:
>What are your suggestions for *cheap* reliable, easy to install and operate
>anit-theft devices? I have a few of my own, but am interested to find out
>thanks for your info,
>Steve Sanchez
>"Still under the hood in a '77 'B"
>PS Thank you to all who replied to my "out of breath" post...I have since
>replaced the fuel pump, and have not had any other problems with it. I
>a little toggle switch to the pos. wire in the trunk...just a flick of the
>switch renders the car "undrivable" after just a few minutes.