If it weren't for smart people like Barney, Dan and the other listers (who
have all given me perfectly simple explanations to all things LBC) out there
who understand what the hell they're talking about, the world would be a
pretty dark and simple place. (hmm, is that bad or good?)
Folks, if you think this stuff is confusing, you should listen to a couple
of Army Commo Techs (warrant officers) add things like wave propagation,
packet switching, data rates, etc... into the argument! Life was so simple
when I was a tanker and I just had to be good at destroying whatever
machinery some engineer had designed....sigh.
I understand about 25% (or less) of it...but choose to be ignorant and hit
the delete key as soon as a formula or ANY numbers come to bear on my weakly
math-hating mind.
I'll say this, like I do to the 'net techs', "Ya'll are great Americans,
when you figure it out, then start working on how to explain it to me, so I
can explain it to the rest of the Army. Until then, keep up the good work.
I'm not ignoring you, I'm just soaking it all up like a sponge." (at which
point I pat on the back, snicker, and go on.)
BTW, I happen to LIKE the waterhose explanation!
73 B