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MGA trip

To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: MGA trip
From: Bill Eastman <>
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 15:47:44 -0500
My 13 year old daughter and I just got back from coating northern Minnesota
and southern Ontario with lever shock oil (got to replace the right front
some day).  Anyway, the A ran great except for the battery giving up in
Thunder Bay.  Luckily the A is fairly light so Lindsay got a new job as MGA
alternate propulsion device- short term.  1037 miles on the odometer.  No
oil added but I did have to add a quart of water in Duluth after 850 miles.
 I also adjusted the valves and points in Thunder Bay.  20 + hours running
with most of that in the 3800-4100 rpm range.  Top down most of the time-
it was raining pretty hard when we pulled out.  After that if it rained we
just drove faster.

I hope to write a more detailed trip report in the near future and will
post it to the list.  I haven't even looked at the A since I got back to
see what is wrong with the charging system.  It is sitting in the garage
with every panel open drying out.  

Bill Eastman
61 MGA having a little rest after a good workout

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