Here in PA we call them hats - elderly males who consistently under perform
the speed limit by 15 to 20 mph. They all belong to the slow driver tag team
club and engage in slow drive tag team activities as sport (that's why when
one pulls off the road, another gets on right in front of you). You can
identify them by the baseball like caps they all wear- hence the term hats.
They seem to like the sport best during rush hour or when they find someone
who is in a real hurry. They hold meets any and everywhere but have a
special preference for single lane roads and the passing lane of interstate
It has been empirically determined that the best way to disrupt a hat event is
to pepper the rear end of the hat's car with a few rounds from the 20mm cannon
(for those with the foresight to mount such a useful devise). This usually
gets them to pull over to see what all the racket is about. I trust you have
similar remedies in the UK.
Dr. Doug
-----Original Message-----
From: On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, August 08, 1998 11:24 AM
To: Barney Gaylord
Subject: Thought for the day.................
Why do I always ger the 'elderly male' driver in a Triumph Aclaim/Honda
Accord/Rover 200, ( all the same car...) infront of me, doing just 35-40mph???
Why always ME! UK roads are rather bendy, and it takes nerve to thunder past
on blind bends in an old MG. Actually I do not mind, but it scares the pants
off the wife!!!