If Philip Raby can tell terrible jokes, here is my contribution....
"A large Scotsman had been arrested on suspicion of a large theft. A
huge quantity of cars spares had been removed from a warehouse, some
were for quite old cars. Alas, the Scotsman had a very thick glutteral,
Glaswegian accent, and no one could understand him.
He was interveiwed by a Detective Sgt (DS) and a Dectective
Constable,(DC). The DS just simply could not understand a word the man
said, and was becoming more and more frustrated. The DS would not allow
the DC to interrupt. The DS eventually lost his temper and shouted that
he would have the Scotsmans brains blown out if he could get no sense
from him.
The DC managed to explain that he DID understand the Scotsman, so the DS
let the DC ask some questions.
" Where are the spares you stole?" asked the DC.
The Scotsman, who had understood the DS, replied," They are all in the
cellar in the house next door to where you arrested me. Please do not
let the Sergeant shoot me. There are lots of MG spares there, I saw ZA
hockey sticks, Y type overiders and ashtrays, MGA original front and
rear bumpers, MGB pull handle door handles, complete MGA twin-cam
engines, loads and loads of good parts."
The DC turned to the DS and said, " He says piss off you fat sod, I am
saying nothing."