I joined the list in Sept '96, and missed Ray, I'm raising a glass of
Cabernet Sauvignon to him!
My vote is for Becky, since I helped convince her (shy girl on IRC #mgs)
that her gnashing of teeth was better heard on the list (I think I said
something like the louder the better, or something more vulgar, hell, I
don't know) and my vicarious sympathy and smirking was only one person, and
the list would provide better.... Boy, did she blossom into a real LISTER!
Second place to Trevor Boicey, since he's been much less combative in the
past couple of months since he's been in the garage welding, cursing and
giving us some great advice when on the keyboard. :) (cheers Trev)
73 B (the best I could afford -- evil laugh, but my time will come)
>It seems like a good time to open up nominations for the Golden Dremel
Award for 1998...
>Phil Hubbard for persistence?
>Trevor for his adventures with the B that would not run?
>Ben Ruset for taking an $800 rubber-bumper and making something out of it?
>Becky Mahoney for rescuing the B under the tree? (valve stems? really)
>Ralph Cordell for resurrecting the MGA he owned in college?
>I'm sure there are plenty of other worthy candidates.
>Phil Vanner
>Mk1 Midget
>Drive your MG to work, take the scenic route home, smile a little, it's all