>I too have had mixed service frm Gateway - especially getting them on the
>phone - if you do make the queue (about every fifth attempt!) you get the
>same dreadful ersatz radio station to listen to� with the same
>charicature of a 70s lady DJ then the same 3 songs over and over and
>Last time i got through, the guy couldnt diagnose the problem and
>basically told me i was f****d! - Jim Brucato, sometimes of this list,
>came over and fixed the thing in 15 minutes - and he's a tugboat
I've also noticed that GW2K's solution to many problems is "reinstall Windows
Gateway tech support has resulted in my doing many service calls, to restore
settings for our Cable modem service lost when the cust reinstalled 95.
I wouldn't personally buy any pre-built machine, (as I would build one myself)
but if I *had* to, I would go with a Dell.
BEN RUSET - ICQ # 10364973 - http://members.home.com/bruset
The MGB Haven & MG Cars Webring - http://members.home.com/mgbhaven