After three days of daily driving the MGA after its makeover, The carbs
are coming around and it is running better every day. As all of the new
parts introduce each other and get comfortable working as a team, the carb
adjustments are once again doing what they are supposed to do. I had the A
running way rich after rebuild but am now throttle response is getting
better and the idle is much smoother. Tonight when I get home I may pull
the air cleaners and do the standard tune up again and see what I get. For
now it is livable the way it is.
Yesterday was a bit rainy. The Rain-X on the windshield definitely helped
the wipers do their job. The top and side curtains (Deluxe aluminum units)
have more of a cool friendship than an intimate relationship so staying dry
is a relative thing. Also, between the perished windscreen seal and the
front top "seal," I get rain bubbles forming and popping along the top of
the windscreen at speed. This give a constant misting inside the car but
since yesterday was fairly hot and sticky it felt kinda nice. Like any
savvy intergalactic traveler, I keep a towel handy. I spends most of it's
time protecting my left leg from drips where the windscreen frame,
sidescreen, and hood nod in acquaintance to each other- join is too strong
of a word for their relationship. The towel is occasionally pressed into
service to wipe the inside of the windscreen to eliminate leftovers from
the "cloudsnot" bubbles. I leave the car doors open at night in the garage
to let the interior dry out as much as possible. The floorboards and
support irons are in good shape and I want to keep them that way as long as
I was sitting next to a Miata on a metered on ramp in the rain yesterday.
He waved and gave me a thumbs up. I waved back. I dropped the towel
Bill Eastman- A hoopy frood who knows where his towel is
61 MGA- spacecraft of choice with its own version of improbability drive