Hi List, how's everything going? Well, I'm begining to work on my '66 B now.
I pulled it out of storage where it had been sitting for the past 12 or more
years and am becoming more familiar with it. As you know, I am mechanically
challenged so I went and talked to a mechanic friend I have known for several
years about where I need to start. He's not a British car specialist but is
very familiar with older cars. He told me to put Berryman B12 in the spark
plug holes to loosen up the rings and stuff. He then said that I should be
able to turn the camshaft either by the fan blade or by putting a socket on
one of the pulleys. I tried it and the thing won't budge a bit. He said we
are probably going to have to pull the engine out to figure out what the
problem is. Do any of you agree with this? I didn't know I was going to have
to pull the engine out first thing! (By the way....just disregard any of my
non-mechanical terms or anything else that sounds stupid)
-Jarrod H.