Yes you can just rep[lace the diaphram MOSS has them on sale now
for about $3 bucks. Order 2 because if one tears it will leave you
stranded. If you have thought about spraying carb cleaner inside the carb,
don't it will ruin the diaphram. It only takes a few minutes to change a
diaphram just be sure to note which way the top of the carb is mounted and
besure to put the little rubber tag on the side of the diaphram into the
carb body. You will see what I mean when you take it apart. I did mine
last week and I would guess the job took about 15 minutes.
On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, Tom McLaughlin wrote:
> I know this is well covered material, but thought I would share. I need to
> rebuild the ZS carb on my 77B, but as I'm in grad school and work full time
> I thought I just let a pro do it as I haven't done it before and want to
> drive my car this summer. I called a local shop and he said, "I won't do
> it cause I can't guarantee it. They should have never put that damn thing
> on the MG. If you bring it to me, I'll put on a Weber." He was very
> helpful and I'm sure being sincere and I'll probably have him do some other
> work for me.
> The thing is, this is a hobby car for me. I like them and am trying to
> learn. It doesn't need to run great, just run. I bought the kit from Moss
> and was just going to replace all the parts, clean everything as best I
> could, put it back on and readjust it as best I could. I don't want to
> dump a bunch of money if the ZS will perform adequately. The carb worked
> fine for the last 2 years. The main problem was a tear in the rubber
> diaphragm. I thought about just replacing that a bad thing??? I
> bought the Haynes manual as suggested by some on the list also and have
> been reading through that.
> Anyone have any instructions for an amateur on this. I don't want to
> become a DPO (never will happen cause I won't sell the car) and do
> something obviously bad for the car.
> Regards,
> Tom
> 77B
> Wishing I didn't sign up for 2 MSEE classes this summer.