<<I put a strip of plastiguage between one of my main bearings & crank on
my B tonight. Only did # 2. I found that it came to .002". The manual
says that normal is between .001 and .0027. Should I replace them
anyway? Also, how might I get the plastiguage off of the crank? Peel
with my fingernail maybe?
Tyson Sherman>>
Tyson - plastigauge is for checking clearance on new bearings, not old ones.
Your journals might be tapered and you might not know it.
Never (unless you jsut built it and had to tear it down again) re-use old
bearings or rings - just replace them and then check the clearance again.
Preferably, pull the crank out and have it measured by a machine shop, or use
a micrometer yourself and make sure that the journal is parallel in all planes
Bill S.