At 02:09 16/06/98 -0400, you wrote:
> ----------
>From: Proudfoot, Andrew
>Subject: Trying to contact Terry Williams
>Date: Tuesday, June 16, 1998 3:00AM
>Hi Terry;
>If you are out there, tried to e-mail you again tonight. Any luck with
>your speedo yet?? You do know that the number of speed traps you will
>meet will be directly proportional to how well your speedo is working.
>We got side tracked discussing the glove box lock on my (used to be
>yours) 77B. Appears the key will not work but the latch does so I shall
>live with it for now. I just won't keep any gold coins in
>Andy Proudfoot
Contact via the list! Nope - no luck on the speedo - perhaps by the weekend...
BTW - the other item I've been trying to remember to mention - is the grill
I mounted behind the rubber bumper. Years ago, I saw a photo of a rubber
bumper car, with chrome teeth behind the bumper - replacing the wire mesh
screen that's original.
So, I dismembered a battered old grille I had about by drilling out all the
pop rivets that held the outter surround to the 'teeth'. I then inverted the
assembly, and cut away a few of the teeth/grille bars to clear the bumper
While it's not the most secure mounting in the universe, I feel it gives a
rubber bumper car a little additional character.
And, a grille badge looks pretty cool too!
For the rest o' the listers - Andrew has come to own the '77 roadster I sold
coupla years ago. At that time it went to Cornerbrook, Newfoundland.
Subsequently sold again this spring, it now graces Andrew's garage in
Gander, Newfoundland. Man, these cars get around.
Actually, I'm please we've made contact - it's like knowing that an old
friend has found a new home, and is still in touch!
Cheers all!