Although the sending unit should be grounded by the mounting, When I got my
B the fuel guage didn't work. I checked all the wires, they were good, I
attached a ground wire to the sender ground stud and I have had no problems
to this day. (thats pertaining to the sending unit).
Good Luck,
Preserving the "B"reed
Jerry K
3 74.5 MGB
1 75 MGB
Kevin Richards wrote:
> Greetings,
> A question for those in the know:
> I have recently finished the restoration of my 77B. The only thing (ha
> ha...yeah right) left to the fuel gauge. It has never worked,
> always in the E position.
> I saw someone talking about the fuel sending unit on the list not too
> long ago, so I decided to have a peek at mine. There are two posts on
> the tank, one of which has a wire attached to it, one that is naked. I
> cannot see any other wires around that are disconnected or dangling...Is
> there a wire that I am missing??
> I put the wire on the other naked terminal, and the fuel gauge read
> pegged full or F.
> (you could almost hear the gauge needle yawning after being woken up
> from a 10 year snooze.)
> Tell me what I am missing here
> Thanks
> As always you are all a great help.
> Kevin Richards
> 77B
> 67B in bits and parting out