>>>>>2. There is a hole in the ozone layer over the South Pole. This is
> A few years ago, it is discovered that the size of this hole has
> Environmentalists are AWFULLY quiet about this embarassing discovery.
> "It simply CAN'T be true. Must be a measurement error".
>I'm 45, I've seen crises come and go, like e.g. the Energy Crisis of the
>That has totally gone, nothing left of it nowadays.
>who is just an engineer; not DISHONEST enough to be a politician!<<<<
Since you're an engineer you must also be used to citing your references,
so I hope you don't take this the wrong way. What is the complete reference
(maybe you have more than one) that demonstrates that the hole is
shrinking? I'm not doubting that you read it somewhere, I'd just like to
know where. I'm extremely ignorant on the whole topic, having only
incidentally read the research presented in "Nature" and "Science". From my
scant reading, I didn't realize that the issue had been resolved. In fact,
I thought that evidence for more thinning had been found in other regions.
OK, we've had an engineering and a scientific comment
on the subject; I'll add some business and political comments:
First, since the mid-60's there has been a deluge
of questionable scientific "study". Once the politicians
realized that "science" could help support their
political ideas and scientists learned that people
would pay for their "research". Attend any court of
law and you'll see experts on both sides of the room
give completely differing accounts of "scientific truth".
And, never mistake "government scientists" as being
impartial. For one, there's a revolving door between
private industry and government service. Second, politicians
have a direct funding ability to government scientific
programs. Have the "right" research and get the "best"
Now I don't have a PhD, but I do have a well-rounded view
of science and politics. I was trained as an engineer
(nuclear), also have a degree in political science, worked
for the government both as an engineer and a bean-counter.
Now in marketing and a bit of lobbying for industry.
My opinion on Global Warming and the ozone hole: Frankly, I
don't know... I am not informed enough to make a
valid scientific observation. But I also distrust the
"objectiveness" of the scientists on both sides of the argument.
Also, never discussed is the economic impact of the
demise of R12 to the industry. Most times an industry
standard is outlawed, the industry suffers. In this case,
The industry was seeing its R12 profits on a downward spiral
now has revived itself with new compounds and "retrofit"
opportunities. Which was more expensive, R12 in the
"good ol days" or the new compounds which only "seem"
inexpensive as compared to the current cost of R12?
Wonder how much "research" this "evil industry"
co-funded with the "tree-hugger" crowd? In my opinion,
the only reason there's so little research to disprove
"global warming" is the lack of direct profit on that
side of the question.
Am I too cynical or what?....
Frankly, I have to believe that our industrial revolution
and continued population explosions have and will continue
to have an effect on the environment in which we live.
However, I question our ability to profoundly effect the
widescale changes being "observed" and predicted. The forces of
nature simply are stronger than the forces of man. I
think we'll never know the "truth" of the issue during
our lifetime.
Bill Elliott
Lake Mills, WI