I would look at Clausners (sp?) book Original MGB and start from
there by trying to identify what my engine has or doesn't compared to a 79
engine. I'm assuming that the engine doesn't have it's number plate still
one it. If it does check out the MOSS catalog.But if it runs why bother?
Sooner or later the engine will have to be rebuilt, at that time then I
might consider the correct engine besides spacers do not necessarly mean
that the engine is incorrect jut MHO
On Tue, 9 Jun 1998, Jason Sawyer wrote:
> OK, I know that I don't have the original engine in my 79 B. I know
> because the motor mounts have spacers installed to put the engine at the
> correct height. How can I tell what engine it is? (the plate is missing)
> Also, where should I look for a proper engine? I live in Southern
> Arizona, and I don't make a whole lot of money. I really want the engine
> that the car is supposed to have, or at least one that is like it.
> Thanks!
> Jason