You wrote:
>wouldnt run at all, floats are free and dont seem to have any
>clean filters, plugs, points - all the usuals, dashpots full, needles
>straight, new grose jets last year (all suggestions at this point
>gratefully received)
A very wise man once told me "90% of all carborater problems are
electrical problems"
>Well here it is friday, two cars laid up so despite the weather being
>almost perfect top down days its...................GT TIME!!!!!!! hehe
>I know im lucky to have three of them but just goes to show, one is
Soooo true. The 75B is the only thing I got going presently. Sold the
77 B and it crapped out on me as I was leaving to drop it off at new
owner's (thinking relay or ballast/just hoping it ain't the after
market electronic ignition). I got to find time to deal with that first
thing next week. Also plan on have the the 76 B and 76 Midget running
in the next couple of weeks. The Midget I'll going in no time but the
stopping part is going to take a bit longer. Adam's 72 is running as
well as an engine in need of a rebuild can be expected to run.
>Brits on the Hudson/E.New York MGA club have a great weekend planned
>Tomorrow is the first vintage race day of the season at Lime Rock CT -
>Meeting up with Mr Deutsch and the Long Island gangsters for the drive
up>- then a caravan to Newburgh NY tomorrow evening, a BBQ dinner and a
room>at the hilton then a big show on Sunday - all for $150! cant beat
it with>a stick!
Actually we're at the Holiday Inn but it's a great deal anyway. Psyhed
is what I am (why else would I be typing this at 2:30 AM when I have 7
AM departure planned).
>Sunday is also the CT MG club show at Harkness Memorial Park in CT - I
>think Bob Howard gave the details a few days ago - another excellent
show>So who's going where?????>mike robson>69 roadster>70 BGT> 72
Don't forget about "The British are Coming!!!" here on Long Island on
the 14th. Pre-registration, doubled from prior year, indicates that
this is going to be a GREAT!! show.
Vanderbilt Concour Pre-reg forms are out and the show is open to 125
cars this year. There will be no "day-of" reg as last year the show was
full two weeks prior to the event. This show brings out the Creme da la
Creme of automobiles. Aug 23rd, mark it in ink on the calendar.
For all, on the east Coast USA and Canada, there is an updated events
page available at
Safety Fast, David Deutsch