<Pontificating Mode On>
I tend to think the problem might be in her perception of what you are
doing: perhaps she is thinking that you are placing your interest in
LBCs above your interest in her -- having interests outside the object
of your romatic interest is a good thing, but for some reason conflict
rears its ugly head when the parties are younger and one thinks that they
aren't being treates as the prime reason for living in the other's life
(so that I won't be accused of sexism, I think this is a gender neutral
Of course, you must also consider that you are allowing your interest in
LBCs to become somewhat obsessive (re: "She needs to learn to love them
if this
relationship is going to work!"). She doesn't have to love them for her
to enjoy your company, nor should you base a relationship entirely on
one's automotive preferences. Give a little, live a little....
If she doesn't appreciate LBCs, she doesn't appreciate LBCs, and probably
won't appreciate LBCs until she's had time to enjoy the pleasures and
vagarities of this odd affliction. I respectfully suggest you reduce the
number of parts your MGB is in, until it is in one part -- an assembled,
roadworthy unit. Involve her in it if you can, and if you can't, be
reasonable about sharing time between the two. Once the B is together
take the two for a drive: I have found that this experience most
properly clinches a budding interest in an LBC. You might also point out
to her that if an LBC is your worse vice, well, you aren't such a bad guy
after all -- maybe mentally unstable, but not bad....
<Pontificating Mode Off>
<Old Fart Mode On>
On a more practical note, you must consider that your following of other
cars might be causing her a bit of apprehension. You don't know who
other drivers are, or what they are doing, or are capable of. As a
general note, LBC owners are friendly folks, but one should not take
chances. You should also consider the LBC owner who is being followed:
I'm a reasonable guy, but if a car containing a young guy that I don't
know suddenly pulls behind me and starts following me, it doesn't matter
what kind of car I'm driving, I'm going to be a bit nervous. Given the
number of car related crimes in the country, I think it might be better
to give the other car a friendly honk o' the horn and a wave.
<Old Fart Mode Off>
Just my $0.02, YMMV,