> The phone number to enquire about the seatbelt recall is:
> (301) 731-8112 or (301) 918-8044 (Morris Wiggins).
> Having said that, my car was included in the recall, but I
> have been waiting over a year for the replacements!
> - how about everybodyelse out there?
> Alan B.'
> ----------
> From: Patrick Bailey[]
> Sent: Sunday, May 31, 1998 6:24 PM
> To: mgs
> Subject: Seatbelt recall
> I just made friends with a guy with a '79 B and he is all jazzed about
> it but wants to learn more about them.It is white and in pretty good
> condition he needs gaiters so he will order them and I'll help him put
> them I also told him about the seatbelt recall but I can't find the ph #
> in my stuff does anyone out ther have the info so I can pass it on (he
> doesn't have a computer)Thanks in advance.
> Pat
Got mine within six months direct from Rover in the UK - postage alone
on the package was something like 15 pounds sterling.