I received the rebuilt resleeved brake MC from Apple Hydraulics on Thursday,
just two days after ordering. Not bad. I installed it last night and bled the
brakes using the "beer" method, mentioned previously on one of these MG BBs.
This involves opeing one bleeder at a time, starting at the furthest (L rear),
with a clear vinyl hose to a jar with some brake fluid to prevent back siphon,
opening a beer, comsuming said beverage in a leisurely manner (or until theres
no more air in the line), closing the bleeder, top off the MC, and move on to
the next wheel, repeat process. Then explain to the kind policeman who pulls
you over for DUI that you're road testing an LBC and needed the fortification.
Actaully, since I was out of beer, I had to do it stone sober. I did follow
the directions on the bottle of silicone fluid for one person bleeding, which
is as above (sans beer), but also slowly depressing and slowly releasing the
pedal. Takes about less than an hour over all, but appears to work well. Slow
and easy is the way for silicone bleeding I am told. I probably redo it again
before taking it on the road in the near future .
Contrary to Bentley, it is not necessary to remove the entire pedal box to
replace the MC. If you remove the pedal pivot bolt the MC easily unbolts.
Remove the resivoir cap (after draining the MC of course, pop the rubber plug
in the firewall and you can twist the MC and push it back to clear the pedal
box. To get it to clear the box you need to push the MC piston in with your
thumb while simultaneously lifting the MC clear. If you are using conventional
brake fluid this method is a little messy, so be prepared to wipe up the brake
fluid and use rags to protect the finish. Reinstallation is the reverse. MC
replacement and brake bleeding took about an hour and forty minutes. Cheers,
Andy Blackley