Michael MacLeod wrote:
> The local lore about mounting oil coolers in these parts is that the
> cooler should be moved close to the radiator (1") in order to reduce
> turbulence. The locals argue that the turbulence caused by the cooler
> being in the stock location reduces the radiator's cooling abilities.
> I'm not bright enough to know whether or not this is rubbish. I'd
> be interested in hearing the accumulated knowledge of those folks on the
> list who would know.
> What do I think??? Frankly, I just don't know enough to give an
> informed opinion.
> --
> Michael MacLeod From Alberta, on the Eastern slope of the Canadian
> Rockies
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The issue is not turbulence but air flow. If the oil cooler just sits
out in the airstream, as in the stock B installation, the bulk of the
air will go around rather than through the core. If the oil cooler is
close to the radiator, the air has less opportunity to go around. the
best installation involves shrouding that directs air through the
cooler. John