Well, my 74 MGB is sitting at the garage across the road from my office
waiting to be inspected for the first time. The car, as most of you know by
now, has been a rebuild hobby for the last 7 years. Hopefully I am only hours
away from having a daily driver. Thanks to all for the help along the way.
The one problem that I don't think the list can solve is my size vs the B.
I am 6'3" and 215lb. My line of sight is directly into the top header of the
windshield. I can lean the seat way back or crotch slightly and look under the
header or sit vertical and look over the top. Needless to say I won't have the
top up any more than necessary. Unfortunately here in Indiana, PA springs are
the monsoon season. We are lucky to have seen sun 2-3 weeks total in the last
3 months. so there are times either I put the top up or leave it in the garage.
I took the spacers out from under the seats from the get go, guessing this
would be a problem. My family thinks me being to tall for the car is great
because they will get to drive it more. (Ha! little do they know.) The seat
cushions are new and may compress a little with use. The list has led me to
believe the B is as roomy as any of the LBC. Is this true? My search for LBC
#2 has started and it would be nice to have one I fit in a little better.
Has anyone tried a smaller diameter steering wheel. Mine measures about 15" in
diameter and it rubs my thigh. It does make it a little difficult to move my
foot from the gas to the brake. How small of a steering wheel can I go to
before low speed steering/parking becomes a problem and who are suppliers?