>> Its only about a 30-35% increase in power. So you're looking at 125HP
>> a stock early MGB. The main reason to have a supercharger, such as a
>> Judson, is for the kickass coolness factor. It just looks neat... its
>> "wow, dude you've got a Judson on your car."
>Would you have to bump out the bonnet to fit it in a 'B?
No, think of where the carbs are on an MGA and MGB. :-) I've got a picture
of an Eaton Supercharger on an MGB, no need to make any body mods. (the
Judson is smaller, it fits better)
I've been advised against taking the Eaton route, as apparently the Eaton's
like to eat the bottom out of MGB engines
Alas, I'm still in search of a Judson in good condition. (the buggers are
tough to find!)
Kai Radicke -- kmr@pil.net -- 1966 MGB @ http://www.pil.net/~mowogmg
IRC: irc.mcs.net, #inet-access (my nick: KMR or rebelgeek)