---Wetmgs <Wetmgs@aol.com> wrote:
> What in the carbs will cause sudden rich mixture?
> Any ideas, anyone. 74B HIF4's
> Marc Derenzy,
> Bremerton, WA
How many miles on the carbs? My 74 HIF's had a microscopic pinhole
leak in one of the floats. Caused a similar problem until one day
complete flooding developed when trying to start-- ruined the carbon
cannister. If the floats are the originals, check it out.
Mechanic told me at the time it was a common fault during that era--
As the float slowly fills up with gas it stops floating, leading to
all sorts of fun.
Could be a lot of other reasons for sudden enrichment- The HIF's are
more complicated than previous SU's. I had the same problem
subsequently, too, but always found it would go away after repeated
starts. Sometimes the linkage sticks, especially after repeated stop
and go, or a bit of crap from the tank gets sucked in. The best
solution is a complete rebuild to make sure they're set up right.
Also, how's your fuel pump? Low RPMs bring out pump problems.
'74 B