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RE: Get Your Old Speckled Hen... IN AMERICA!!!

To: MGMagnette <>
Subject: RE: Get Your Old Speckled Hen... IN AMERICA!!!
From: "EPMD- van syckel, John" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 13:06:53 +0200
Oh.  Be careful.  The United States Postal Service (USPS) does not allow
mailing of alcoholic beverages, as far as I know.  I have mailed alcoholic
beverages between European countries (especially E.U. countries), but
everytime I (or friends) have tried the USPS, it was confiscated.  One time
they wanted me to fly from Germany to New Jersey to pick up a bottle of plum
liquor. Don't know what will happen if anyone else tries, just telling my

John S. van Syckel
1971 MGB (BRG, no PO)
MG Car Club Deutschland, e.V.
AMGBA #78-568

> ----------
> From:         MGMagnette[]
> Sent:         Montag, 20. April 1998 06:08
> To:
> Subject:      Re: Get Your Old Speckled Hen... IN AMERICA!!!
> About the MG Ale, as soon as I get a price I will post it and see if the
> interest wanes!  He did think it was going to be nearly $10 a 6-pack and I
> wouldn't be surprised if it cost $5 to mail it.  That really is only like
> $2.50 a bottle which about jives with restaurant prices for a Budweiser.
> Right now it seems as though there is tremendous interest, and I will have
> the Grocery manager order according to how many e-mail responses I get, so
> keep sending them.  When I get the price, I will find out how much it
> would cost to mail (there is a post office in the grocery store so mailing
> isn't really a problem) and post total cost and where you can send your
> money.  Just so that people know this isn't an internet scam I ask that
> those of you who know me or have dealt with me or bought something off me
> before post something to demonstrate that I'm for real.  Someone might
> say, could say, or has said:  Enjoy your MG, enjoy your MG Ale, but don't
> enjoy them together.  
>   John

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