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Re: Road salt in Denver

To: "Andrew B. Lundgren" <>
Subject: Re: Road salt in Denver
From: Simon Bosworth <>
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 08:37:11 -0500
I drove my BGT in the snow this winter in Minneapolis.  It goes very nicely, 
just as well as my FWD car


Andrew B. Lundgren wrote:

> On Fri, 10 Apr 1998 08:50:26 PDT, Jim McDougal wrote:
> >I am planning on moving to the Denver/ Aurora area in about a month and
> >I am unsure about what to do about my car. I have always lived in
> >Northern California (San Mateo and Santa Cruz)and as such, have had the
> >privilage of being able to drive Sysiphus (chrome bumpered 74 MGB)
> >daily. How much should I be concerned about the snow and road salt?
> >Should I purchase annother car for the winter or would I be safe in just
> >giving the underbody a good coat of waxoil?
> I live in Aurora (southern edge anyway)  The salt can be washed off.  They 
>mix it with
> sand half and half.  I have never driven my '70 B in snow, but I grew up 
>here, so I am used to
> snow driving.  If you are not used to it, then you may very well wreck your 
>B.  As they are
> RWD and pretty light I would guess that it would not go very well in the snow 
> I have a Ford Explorer (Wife's) and a '84 Toyota Cressida. (oil leaking 
>thing)  I only drove the
> truck to work because of weather two or three times.  My B spent the winter 
>in the garage for
> mechanical problems, but if you only drive your B on nice days you should 
>still be able to
> drive it every month, as there are very nice days in the winter here.
> If you are going to use it for a daily driver here, you are going to need a 
>top and a heater that both
> work well. (I would suggest another car if you can spare the $)
> The emissions won't be bad to pass.  When you do get plates, ask about 
>collector's plates, as they only
> have to be renewed every five years.  (Car must be 20 or 25 years old to 
>qualify, can't remember which.
> My car is a '70 so it wasn't a problem.)
> When you get out here I can tell you of a few parts sources/repair shops if 
>you need it, as well as a
> English only car show.
> Andrew Lundgren

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