Anyone still looking for the out of print Haynes manual for the MGA (and
if you don't have one, you should). $7 is cheaper than a photocopy!
Try this search result at the bibliofind web site as shown below:
David Littlefield
Houston, TX
'62 MGA MkII
'51 MGTD
'88 Jaguar XJ-S
On Fri, 6 Mar 1998 12:44:05 -0800 (PST) Ross MacPherson
<> writes:
>At 09:09 PM 3/5/98 -0500, Pete wrote:
>>I agree about Amazon. There's one very useful website though. I've
>>Bibliofind to find a number of out-of-print books in the past. A
>>search on "MG" turned up two pages of entries (the majority of them
>>offered for sale by Art Spindler in St Clair Shores, MI.).
>Several long time listers may recall I have quoted from and sung the
>of a weighty tome called "The Complete Catalogue of British Cars"
>purports to have reference to every car built in Britain up to 1974.
>have complete ranges of models with years of manufacture and vital
>statistics for each with literaly hundreds of photos. I found this
>wonderful book years ago in a discontinued bin in a large
>for the princely sum of $4.00 CDN.
>After Pete's endorsement of Bibliofind I thought I'd poke around and
>see how
>good it was. I've been casually looking for another copy of this book
>years thinking it'd make a great and inexpensive gift. Well,
>found three copies for sale, very impressive. The prices however ran
>US$85 to US$125. Cool.....
>Pssssssssssssst! Wanna buy a book?
>Cheers, eh!
> Ross
> `66 GT & `47 TC
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