Jurgen Hartwig wrote:
> At 10:55 PM 2/10/98 -0800, Charles C. Robinson wrote:
> > I am in need of a front HS-4 carb carb (AD326F) because the throttle
> >butterfy shaft and bushings are worn so badly on the carb I have that
> I
> >can't get the thing set right. If I can't find a good carb, I'll have
> >to buy a shaft and bushings, then find a machine shop to install the
> >bushings, not an easy task in a small town. If anyone can help, drop
> me
> >an email or post on the list pls.
> Welcome to the list Charlie,
> before you go out and buy a new carb consider having your old set of
> carbs
> rebuilt. There is a fellow up in Oklahoma that does an excellent job,
> but
> that is from word of mouth, not experience. I'm sure one of the
> listers
> can give you a name and phone number.
> Besides, if you get a new carb and try to put it on the car with the
> old, carb,
> I honestly feel you may have problems trying to balance the carbs.
> My reasoning is that one will have nice tight tolerances, while the
> other will
> have vacuum leaks. While you can adjust each carb individually, I
> would imagine
> there would still be some problems in balance at varying RPMs.
> Just a thought.
> I'm not sure if you can buy just one single carb.
> jay
> ***********************************************
> Jurgen Hartwig, Civil Engineering, Georgia Tech
> When you were born you cried
> and the world rejoiced
> Try to live your life so that
> when you die you will rejoice
> and the world will cry.
Jim Taylor
1222 Harned Dr.
Bartlesville, Ok 74006
SU's only
Approx. $155.00 for the pair
Says that the thottle shafts on this carb are rarely worn like the older
SU's. Takes about a week.