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Re: B roadster windshield romoval

To: Calvin Krug <>
Subject: Re: B roadster windshield romoval
From: Art Pfenninger <ch155@FreeNet.Buffalo.EDU>
Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 13:14:45 -0500 (EST)
When you do go to put it back on see what John Twist has to say. Also I
found it easier to attach the two bolts on the center rod before the side

On Sun, 8 Feb 1998, Calvin Krug wrote:

> >It really wasn't necessary to remove the dash. Without removing the dash
> >the job should take maybe 40 minutes or a little less. The real problem
> >comes when you try to reinstall the windshield.
> >...Art
> >
> I thought I could get those bolts out with the dash in place, but since the
> dash is cracked pretty bad, and the wiring's a bit of a mess, I thought I'd
> do it all at once.  Now it's time to start saving my pennies for a new
> panel.  The wiring will survive, it just needs tied up a little better.
> Calvin

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