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Re: Name that malady!

Subject: Re: Name that malady!
From: (Rick Morrison)
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 17:53:14 EST
On Thu, 29 Jan 1998 00:53:44 EST (michael j robson)
>My 69 roadster developed two strange symptoms this evening - Neither 
>are familiar to me (and i thought id seen most of them!)
>Symptom 1 - Cruising at about 60mph on the highway the car experienced 
>a slight loss of power accompanied by what i can only describe as a 
>"fluttering" sound - like a playing card on a kids bike rubbing 
>against the spokes - but more muffled, -a playing card wrapped in clth 
>I should emphasise that the loss of power was noticable but the car 
>did not die, i could accellerate while it was happening albeit less 
>than is normal. The phenomenon lasted a minute maybe a minute and a 
>half and then the car was back to normal - Now we all know that these 
>thing dont just go away, the happen again....
>and again,,,, until they break something
>Any ideas? im flummoxed - since it was dark i couldnt see anything 
>untoward under the bonnet but it looked normal.
It's possible you've got one or more slightly worn intake guides. It will
suck in a bit of oil and, by reducing the effective octane level of the
fuel, cause it to detonate slightly. The next time it happens, check the
mirror, and see if you can see a puff of smoke or two.  I had a similar
problem on my 72 some time back, and that's what the culprit turned out
to be.

>symptom 2 - Im fairly sure i have a better idea what this is but all 
>ideas welcome Same trip, same car, daughter in passenger seat - a
sporadic clunking  from the rear passenger side - not grounding as far as
i can tell and no 
>apparent impact on handling or feel. Daughter gets out - clunking
>Now presupposing my progeny didnt have gas or anything i imagine this 
>has to be the rear shocks, the car is riding a little low but no more 
>so than my 72. Ive had these "go" before and the sound was more of a 
>rubbing - this is a definite clunk.
 Have you checked the mounting bolts for the rear shocks? And/or the link
bolt at the spring pad? The sporadic part of the clunking sounds like
something slightly loose. While you're under there, I'd check every
fastener I could get a wrench on, just to be sure.
Good Luck!
Rick Morrison
74 Midget
>Gauntlet down.....and a whole weekend to fix it/them - ??
>mike robson
>69 roadster (with EVERYTHING rebuilt except the blody rear shocks)
>70 BGT
>72 roadster
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